
Package only

The package can be installed from git repository with pip.

pip install git+

Package and examples

To get the package with the examples, one needs to clone the repository. The examples are provided as Jupyter notebook (ipynb) files, so jupyter package has to be preinstalled. With conda as a package manager, one may opt to create a new environment:

conda create -n neuralflow jupyter pip && conda activate neuralflow

Alternatively, one can work in the base environment (make sure that jupyter package is installed). Clone the repository and go to the repository root directory:

git clone
cd neuralflow

Install the package from a local copy:

pip install .

After that, you should be able to run example/Example1.ipynb and example/Example2.ipynb

Install C extensions from pyx files

By default, C extensions are installed from .c file(s). These .c files were generated from .pyx files with cython. If you want to install the package’s extensions from the original pyx files, change line 6 in to USE_CYTHON = 1. In this case, cython package is required for the installation (not included in the requirements list, so you will need to run pip install cython).