Example 1

This is an example that reproduces Figure 3 (up to iteration 50) from Genkin, M., Engel, T.A., Nat Mach Intell 2, 674–683 (2020). It also calculates validated negative loglikelihood at each iteration and plots it next to the training negative loglikelihood.

import neuralflow
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

Step 1: Generate synthetic data

  1. Specify the ground-truth model for data generation, see the implementation of the EnergyModel class for available options. Here we use the spectral elements method (SEM) for the eigenvector-eigenvalue problem with Ne=256 elements and Np=8 points per element. We retain Nv=64 eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the \(\mathcal{H}\) operator for the likelihood and gradients calculations. We use double-well model (as in main text FIG. 3, 4), noise magnitude D0=10, 1 neural response with the firing rate function f(x) = 100*(x+1) hz. We represent the results by plotting model potential across gradient descent iterations, and optimize the driving force \(F(x)\). Fitting results are saved in the form of equilibrium probability distribution \(p_{\rm eq}(x)\).

  2. Specify data generation parameters. Here we generate two trials of duration 100 seconds with the temporal resolution for latent trajectories deltaT = 0.0001.

  3. Perform data generation, and split the generated data into training and validation datasets

EnergyModelParams={'pde_solve_param':{'method':{'name': 'SEM', 'gridsize': {'Np': 8, 'Ne': 256}}},
               'Nv': 64,
               'peq_model':{"model": "double_well", "params": {"xmin": 0.6, "xmax": 0.0, "depth": 2}},
               'D0': 10,
               'firing_model':[{"model": "rectified_linear", "params": {"r_slope": 100, "x_thresh": -1}}],

data_gen_params={'deltaT':0.0001, 'time_epoch':  [(0,100)]*2}

#Initialise ground-truth em class

#Save the ground-truth model for visulalization

#Generate data
data, time_bins, diff_traj, _=em_gt.generate_data(**data_gen_params)

#Split the data into training and validation set

Step 2: Perform model optimization

  1. Create another instance of EnergyModel that will be used for model fitting. This instance is the same as the ground-truth but with different equilibrium probability distribution peq. In this case, peq serves as the initial guess.

  2. Define fitting parameters. Here we use Gradient descent optimizer (GD), limit the optimization to 50 iteration, set the learning rate to 0.005, loglik_tol to zero (so that optimization will not terminate due to the lack of relative loglikelihood improvement), etaf to zero (so that there is no cost function regularizer), and specify validation data.

  3. Perform fitting

EnergyModelParams={'pde_solve_param':{'method':{'name': 'SEM', 'gridsize': {'Np': 8, 'Ne': 256}}},
               'Nv': 64,
               'peq_model':{"model": "cos_square", "params": {}},
               'D0': 10,
               'firing_model':[{"model": "rectified_linear", "params": {"r_slope": 100, "x_thresh": -1}}],

fitting_params['data']={'dataTR':dataTR,'dataCV': dataCV}
fitting_params['optimization']={'max_iteration': 50, 'gamma': {'F': 0.005},  'loglik_tol':0.0, 'etaf': 0}


Step 3: Visualize the results


#Shift training and validated loglikelihoods such that they both start from 0 for visualisation purposes
lls= (lls-lls[0])

colors=[[0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
        [0.2, 0.4, 0.8],
        [0.4, 0.2, 0.6],
        [0.6, 0.2, 0.4]]

# Plot negative loglikelihood vs. iteration number
plt.subplot2grid((2,4), (0,0), colspan=2, rowspan=2)

plt.plot(np.arange(1,lls_CV.size+1),lls_CV,color='red',linewidth=3, label='validation')
plt.xlabel('Iteration #', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel(r'$-\log\mathcal{L}$', fontsize=18)

#Point at iteration with minCV
minCV, ysize=np.argmin(lls_CV)+1, -np.min(lls_CV)/5
plt.arrow(minCV,lls_CV[minCV-1]+ysize,0,-ysize*0.9,width=0.25,length_includes_head=True,head_width=1.5,head_length=10, color='red')

#Plot potentials. Potential is calculated from peq by taking negative log: Phi = - log(peq).
for i,Iter in enumerate(Iterations):
    plt.subplot2grid((2,4), (i//2,2+i%2))
    plt.title('Iteration {}'.format(Iterations[i]))

The code above should produce the following image: Jupyter notebook icon